Study2021 / Whirlpool


67 x 84 inches,  167 x 210 cm, 2022

Digital print on canvas, Edition 5

Study2021 is a large digital print on canvas based on a site-specific mural at the Queens Museum of Art in New York. This art series of ”study” depicts a 5,000-year-long timeline of world history in a spiral organic structure. Spiral forms exist in many places, from the cosmos to the cellular and molecular levels. In organisms, shells, plant forms such as tree vines and rings, animal horns, fingerprints, and DNA, the blueprint of life, are also spirals. In nature, the vortex structures created by liquids, the spiral clouds of hurricanes and typhoons, and in the universe, galaxies are also spiral shapes. This work expresses the history of human civilization as an experiment in relative time and space as one organic form.

Study2021 has colors that evoke the image of the sea against the land (nations) that exist in a white line, which gives the overall picture a form reminiscent of a spiral or shell. In addition, additional drawings updated chronologically until 2021 are drawn. 



©  2024 Hikaru Hayakawa